Wonder Woman Eliška 2

Wonder Woman Eliška 2
Medical treatment
Ivan Rajnič
Eliška Kočišová
198 €
Dní do konca
2400 €
Cieľová suma
Dear BSEE COLLEAGUE, yes YOU cheeky
you are kindly invited to participate on our WE DO CARE Project with us.
The goal is to collect financial support of 2.400 EUR for medical treatment for Wonder Woman Eliška.

Eliška Kočišová was prematurely born in 27th week of gravidity, with weight only 650 grams.

Today, this amazing 9 years old young lady is struggling with reading, writing and overall learning and therefor she needs „Biofeedback and Bilateral Integration Treatment“.

To succeed, Eliška has to attend 2 sessions per week for at least 1 year.

This treatment will boost her brain and will directly influence her future abilities in normal life.

Thank you for your donation and making this mission POSSIBLE.
Have a great day, Ivan.
Wonder Woman Eliška 2

Zoznam darcov a darov

Renáta Smolková (30.04.2024) 50 €
Superheroes are always among us, just look in the mirror!
Erik Jančo (29.04.2024) 50 €
Ivan Rajnic (29.04.2024) 50 €
Dear Eliška you are simply a Wonder Woman !
Grzegorz Małszycki (29.04.2024) 32 €
Anna Juszczak (29.04.2024) 16 €